Sunday Jun 04, 2023
#14 I Am
Sunday Jun 04, 2023
Sunday Jun 04, 2023
An atheist wakes up in heaven.
Philosophy - Comedy - Technology
I Am is an original short story by Doe Wilmann
If you’d like to read the script of this episode go to meaninglessproblems.com and sign up to my monthly newsletter. You can also email me via the contact form. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the podcast.
You might enjoy this episode if you like:
Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives by David Eagleman
A History of the World in Ten and a Half Chapters by Julian Barnes
The ‘Theories of Everything with Curt Jaimungal’ podcast
Sam Harris’ ‘Making Sense’ podcast
‘The Panpsycast Philosophy Podcast’
Alan Watts
Fiction that makes you think
Philosophical fiction
Speculative fiction
The afterlife
Contemplating the meaning of life
Any form of philosophical enquiry
Episode #12 of this podcast
Episode #13 of this podcast
Things to consider when listening:
What happens after you die? What if you’re wrong? What’s the highest number of people you can share this podcast with?
This episode is part of my challenge to write, record and produce a short story every single week for a year. If you’re looking for quality, suspense and intrigue, I’m not making any promises. But if you do like one of these stories please share it with your friends.
If I complete this challenge and the podcast gets 1,000 subscribers in the process, a group of my friends have agreed to donate a combined £1000 to Alzheimer’s Research UK.
And if you’re a writer, maybe this will inspire you to take on a similar challenge yourself. In which case, let me know about it via email. doewilmann @ outlook.com
For writing tips and advice, follow me on TikTok (@piecesofdoe)
I also have an Instagram (@meaninglessproblems) and Twitter (@piecesofdoe) account but I can’t promise I’ll use them.
Piecesofdoe.com or Meaninglessproblems.com
Thanks for listening
Thanks to Katie Empett and Ross Hindle for reading early versions of this episode and providing notes.
Artwork by Katie Empett
Music by Claude Debussy with permission from Pond5.
A license to use the media ((Debussy Suite Bergamasque, Clair De Lune (Piano Cover) 229744340 Music ahawke99110 2023-03-02 Individual) was purchased under Pond5's Content License Agreement, a copy of which is available for review at https://www.pond5.com/legal/license. The Pond5 license authorizes the licensee to use the media in the licensee's own commercial or non-commercial production and to copy, broadcast, distribute, display, perform and monetize the production or work in any medium - including posting and monetization on YouTube - on the terms and conditions outlined therein.
Meaningless Problems with Doe Wilmann
(C) 2023
Sunday May 28, 2023
#13 What if I’m Not?
Sunday May 28, 2023
Sunday May 28, 2023
A writer is slightly concerned about the most recent episode of his short story podcast. He shares these concerns with a plumber and is surprised by his response.
Comedy - Philosophy - Plumbing
If you’d like to read the script of this episode go to meaninglessproblems.com and sign up to my monthly newsletter. You can also email me via the contact form. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the podcast.
You might enjoy this episode if you like:
Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives by David Eagleman
The ‘Theories of Everything with Curt Jaimungal’ podcast
Sam Harris’ ‘Making Sense’ podcast
‘The Panpsycast Philosophy Podcast’
Alan Watts
Fiction that makes you think
Philosophical fiction
Speculative fiction
Artificial intelligence
The afterlife
Contemplating the meaning of life
Any form of philosophical enquiry
Episode #3 of this podcast
Episode #12 of this podcast
Speaking/listening to plumbers
Things to consider when listening:
Do you ever wonder if you’re the only person who truly exists? How do you know other people are having an experience given that you have no way of accessing this experience? Is it possible that the world is a simulation? What’s the highest number of people you can share this podcast with?
This episode is part of my challenge to write, record and produce a short story every single week for a year. If you’re looking for quality, suspense and intrigue, I’m not making any promises. But if you do like one of these stories please share it with your friends.
If I complete this challenge and the podcast gets 1,000 subscribers in the process, a group of my friends have agreed to donate a combined £1000 to Alzheimer’s Research UK.
And if you’re a writer, maybe this will inspire you to take on a similar challenge yourself. In which case, let me know about it via email. doewilmann @ outlook.com
For writing tips and advice, follow me on TikTok (@piecesofdoe)
I also have an Instagram (@meaninglessproblems) and Twitter (@piecesofdoe) account but I can’t promise I’ll use them.
Piecesofdoe.com or Meaninglessproblems.com
Thanks for listening
Thanks to Katie Empett and Ross Hindle for reading early versions of this episode and providing notes.
Artwork by Katie Empett
Music by Claude Debussy with permission from Pond5.
A license to use the media ((Debussy Suite Bergamasque, Clair De Lune (Piano Cover) 229744340 Music ahawke99110 2023-03-02 Individual) was purchased under Pond5's Content License Agreement, a copy of which is available for review at https://www.pond5.com/legal/license. The Pond5 license authorizes the licensee to use the media in the licensee's own commercial or non-commercial production and to copy, broadcast, distribute, display, perform and monetize the production or work in any medium - including posting and monetization on YouTube - on the terms and conditions outlined therein.
Meaningless Problems with Doe Wilmann
(C) 2023
Sunday May 21, 2023
#12 Fake World, Equal World
Sunday May 21, 2023
Sunday May 21, 2023
When an egotistical writer dies, he wakes up to discover his entire life was a simulation.
Fake World, Equal World is an original short story by Doe Wilmann
Sc-fi - Philosophy - Technology
If you’d like to read the script of this episode go to meaninglessproblems.com and sign up to my monthly newsletter. You can also email me via the contact form. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the podcast.
You might enjoy this episode if you like:
Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives by David Eagleman
Philip K Dick
Fiction that makes you think
Philosophical fiction
Speculative fiction
Artificial intelligence
The afterlife
Things to consider when listening:
Do you ever wonder if you’re the only person who truly exists? How do you know other people are having an experience given that you have no way of accessing this experience? Is it possible that the world is a simulation? What’s the highest number of people you can share this podcast with?
Sunday May 14, 2023
#11 Protest at the Theatre
Sunday May 14, 2023
Sunday May 14, 2023
When a play is disrupted by protests, it does wonders for ticket sales.
Protest at the Theatre is an original short story by Doe Wilmann
Comedy - Theatre - Corruption
If you’d like to read the script of this episode go to meaninglessproblems.com and sign up to my monthly newsletter. You can also email me via the contact form. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the podcast.
You might enjoy this episode if you like:
Alan Bennett’s Talking Heads
Tom Sharpe
PG Wodehouse
Fawlty Towers
Episode 4 of this podcast
Theatre Funding
Plays about hairdressing
Things to consider when listening:
Is it wrong for theatre companies to take funding from companies they deem immoral? Is it ok for a protest group to disrupt a theatrical performance? Are some protests more likely to backfire than succeed? What’s the highest number of people you can share this podcast with?
This episode is part of my challenge to write, record and produce a short story every single week for a year. If you’re looking for quality, suspense and intrigue, I’m not making any promises. But if you do like one of these stories please share it with your friends.
If I complete this challenge and the podcast gets 1,000 subscribers in the process, a group of my friends have agreed to donate a combined £1000 to Alzheimer’s Research UK.
And if you’re a writer, maybe this will inspire you to take on a similar challenge yourself. In which case, let me know about it via email. doewilmann @ outlook.com
For writing tips and advice, follow me on TikTok (@piecesofdoe)
I also have an Instagram (@meaninglessproblems) and Twitter (@piecesofdoe) account but I can’t promise I’ll use them.
Piecesofdoe.com or Meaninglessproblems.com
Thanks for listening
Thanks to Katie Empett and Ross Hindle for reading early versions of this episode and providing notes.
Artwork by Katie Empett
Music by Claude Debussy with permission from Pond5.
A license to use the media ((Debussy Suite Bergamasque, Clair De Lune (Piano Cover) 229744340 Music ahawke99110 2023-03-02 Individual) was purchased under Pond5's Content License Agreement, a copy of which is available for review at https://www.pond5.com/legal/license. The Pond5 license authorizes the licensee to use the media in the licensee's own commercial or non-commercial production and to copy, broadcast, distribute, display, perform and monetize the production or work in any medium - including posting and monetization on YouTube - on the terms and conditions outlined therein.
Meaningless Problems with Doe Wilmann
(C) 2023
Sunday May 07, 2023
#10 Plonker (performed by Mary Tillett)
Sunday May 07, 2023
Sunday May 07, 2023
On the verge of becoming a grandparent for the first time, Irene reflects on her relationship with her husband aka ‘Plonker’.
Plonker is an original short story by Doe Wilmann
Dramatic Monologue - Psychological - Relationships
If you’d like to read the script of this episode go to meaninglessproblems.com and sign up to my monthly newsletter. You can also email me via the contact form. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the podcast.
You might enjoy this episode if you like:
Alan Bennett’s Talking Heads
Dramatic Monologues
Fiction that makes you think
Psychological fiction
The apparent unfairness of life
Hugh Laurie
Gordon Ramsay
Episode 5 of this Podcast
Things to consider when listening:
Does life really pass quickly or is this just our memories playing tricks on us? Are memories a sufficient consolation for ageing? When you’re doing something fun, what matters more: the activity or the person/s you’re doing it with? What’s the highest number of people you can share this podcast with? (Why did I used persons in the question before last and people in the last one?)
This episode is part of my challenge to write, record and produce a short story every single week for a year. If you’re looking for quality, suspense and intrigue, I’m not making any promises. But if you do like one of these stories please share it with your friends.
If I complete this challenge and the podcast gets 1,000 subscribers in the process, a group of my friends have agreed to donate a combined £1000 to Alzheimer’s Research UK.
And if you’re a writer, maybe this will inspire you to take on a similar challenge yourself. In which case, let me know about it via email. doewilmann @ outlook.com
For writing tips and advice, follow me on TikTok (@piecesofdoe)
I also have an Instagram (@meaninglessproblems) and Twitter (@piecesofdoe) account but I can’t promise I’ll use them.
Piecesofdoe.com or Meaninglessproblems.com
Thanks for listening
Performed by Mary Tillett
Recorded and edited by Sebastian Brown
Thanks to Katie Empett and Ross Hindle for reading early versions of this episode and providing notes.
Artwork by Katie Empett
Music by Claude Debussy with permission from Pond5.
A license to use the media ((Debussy Suite Bergamasque, Clair De Lune (Piano Cover) 229744340 Music ahawke99110 2023-03-02 Individual) was purchased under Pond5's Content License Agreement, a copy of which is available for review at https://www.pond5.com/legal/license. The Pond5 license authorizes the licensee to use the media in the licensee's own commercial or non-commercial production and to copy, broadcast, distribute, display, perform and monetize the production or work in any medium - including posting and monetization on YouTube - on the terms and conditions outlined therein.
Meaningless Problems with Doe Wilmann
(C) 2023
Sunday Apr 30, 2023
#9 Consuming Content
Sunday Apr 30, 2023
Sunday Apr 30, 2023
A writer from 2043 laments being replaced by the AI chat bot ChatGPT. But are there some upsides?
Consuming Content is an original short story by Doe Wilmann
Sc-fi - Philosophy - Technology
If you’d like to read the script of this episode go to meaninglessproblems.com and sign up to my monthly newsletter. You can also email me via the contact form. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the podcast.
You might enjoy this episode if you like:
Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives by David Eagleman
Philip K Dick
Fiction that makes you think
Philosophical fiction
Speculative fiction
Artificial intelligence
Considering Creativity
The idea of writers being replaced
Things to consider when listening:
Do you need to produce the art in order for it to belong to you? Where does creativity come from? Will AI make humans more creative or less? Does everyone have a form of creative genius hidden within? What’s the highest number of people you can share this podcast with?
This episode is part of my challenge to write, record and produce a short story every single week for a year. If you’re looking for quality, suspense and intrigue, I’m not making any promises. But if you do like one of these stories please share it with your friends.
If I complete this challenge and the podcast gets 1,000 subscribers in the process, a group of my friends have agreed to donate a combined £1000 to Alzheimer’s Research UK.
And if you’re a writer, maybe this will inspire you to take on a similar challenge yourself. In which case, let me know about it via email. doewilmann @ outlook.com
For writing tips and advice, follow me on TikTok (@piecesofdoe)
I also have an Instagram (@meaninglessproblems) and Twitter (@piecesofdoe) account but I can’t promise I’ll use them.
Piecesofdoe.com or Meaninglessproblems.com
Thanks for listening
Thanks to Katie Empett and Ross Hindle for reading early versions of this episode and providing notes.
Artwork by Katie Empett
Music by Claude Debussy with permission from Pond5.
A license to use the media ((Debussy Suite Bergamasque, Clair De Lune (Piano Cover) 229744340 Music ahawke99110 2023-03-02 Individual) was purchased under Pond5's Content License Agreement, a copy of which is available for review at https://www.pond5.com/legal/license. The Pond5 license authorizes the licensee to use the media in the licensee's own commercial or non-commercial production and to copy, broadcast, distribute, display, perform and monetize the production or work in any medium - including posting and monetization on YouTube - on the terms and conditions outlined therein.
Meaningless Problems with Doe Wilmann
(C) 2023
Sunday Apr 23, 2023
#8 A Fantastic Government Initiative
Sunday Apr 23, 2023
Sunday Apr 23, 2023
On the day the UK government tests out its new emergency alerts system, there are some unexpected consequences for writer Alvin Rikard (first seen in ep4) and prisoner-in-his-own-home Kevin (first seen in ep1).
A Fantastic Government Initiative is an original short story by Doe Wilmann
Comedy - Farce - Relationships
If you’d like to read the script of this episode go to meaninglessproblems.com and sign up to my monthly newsletter. You can also email me via the contact form. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the podcast.
You might enjoy this episode if you like:
Alan Bennett’s Talking Heads
Tom Sharpe
PG Wodehouse
Fawlty Towers
Fiction inspired by true events
Contemplating the nature of the self
Complaining about your partner
Emergency alerts
Government initiatives
Ignoring the voice in your head
Things to consider when listening:
Is it pointless having a wide audience if they won’t remember what you’ve written? Would you rather produce beautiful art for a small audience or forgettable art for a large one? Would an incoming ballistic missile change how you felt towards those around you? What’s the highest number of people you can share this podcast with?
This episode is part of my challenge to write, record and produce a short story every single week for a year. If you’re looking for quality, suspense and intrigue, I’m not making any promises. But if you do like one of these stories please share it with your friends.
If I complete this challenge and the podcast gets 1,000 subscribers in the process, a group of my friends have agreed to donate a combined £1000 to Alzheimer’s Research UK.
And if you’re a writer, maybe this will inspire you to take on a similar challenge yourself. In which case, let me know about it via email. doewilmann @ outlook.com
For writing tips and advice, follow me on TikTok (@piecesofdoe)
I also have an Instagram (@meaninglessproblems) and Twitter (@piecesofdoe) account but I can’t promise I’ll use them.
Piecesofdoe.com or Meaninglessproblems.com
Thanks for listening
Thanks to Katie Empett and Ross Hindle for reading early versions of this episode and providing notes.
Artwork by Katie Empett
Music by Claude Debussy with permission from Pond5.
A license to use the media ((Debussy Suite Bergamasque, Clair De Lune (Piano Cover) 229744340 Music ahawke99110 2023-03-02 Individual) was purchased under Pond5's Content License Agreement, a copy of which is available for review at https://www.pond5.com/legal/license. The Pond5 license authorizes the licensee to use the media in the licensee's own commercial or non-commercial production and to copy, broadcast, distribute, display, perform and monetize the production or work in any medium - including posting and monetization on YouTube - on the terms and conditions outlined therein.
Meaningless Problems with Doe Wilmann
(C) 2023
Sunday Apr 16, 2023
#7 My True Self
Sunday Apr 16, 2023
Sunday Apr 16, 2023
The person who wakes up in Mike’s body isn’t Mike. He or she has swapped bodies with Mike overnight and now they need to swap back. The trouble is, Mike’s body includes Mike’s mind, which means they have all of Mike’s thoughts and all of Mike’s memories too, and none of their own. How can you get back to your true self if you don’t know who or what that is?
My True Self is an original short story by Doe Wilmann
Absurdist - Comedy - Philosophy
If you’d like to read the script of this episode go to meaninglessproblems.com and sign up to my monthly newsletter. You can also email me via the contact form. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the podcast.
You might enjoy this episode if you like:
Alan Bennett’s Talking Heads
Roald Dahl's Tales of the Unexpected
The Fly
Non duality
Albert Camus
René Descartes
Fiction that makes you think
Psychological fiction
Philosophical fiction
Contemplating the nature of the self
Freaky Friday
Being John Malkovich
The Change-Up
Body Swap stories
Skiving work
Things to consider when listening:
Who/what is your true self? If you were to swap bodies and minds with another person, would you still be you? But don’t you have an almost entirely different body and mind than you did when you were a child? What do you mean by ‘you’? What’s the highest number of people you can share this podcast with?
Sunday Apr 09, 2023
#6 Your Opinion Matters
Sunday Apr 09, 2023
Sunday Apr 09, 2023
After sixteen years working in a bank, Emma still loves her job and still loves serving her customers. You might think this is great. But I’m the voice in Emma’s head and, for me, it’s a living nightmare.
Your Opinion Matters is an original short story by Doe Wilmann
Comedy - Suspense - Psychological
If you’d like to read the script of this episode go to meaninglessproblems.com and sign up to my monthly newsletter. You can also email me via the contact form. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the podcast.
You might enjoy this episode if you like:
Alan Bennett’s Talking Heads
Dramatic Monologues
Fiction that makes you think
Psychological fiction
Contemplating the nature of the self
‘I Got You Babe’ by Sonny and Cher
Episode 1 of this podcast
Good customer service
Ignoring the voice in your head
Things to consider when listening:
Who is that voice in your head who makes you do things you don’t want to do? Can a mundane job be enjoyable if you approach it with the right attitude? Do you prefer to stand in line or sit and wait? What’s the highest number of people you can share this podcast with?
This episode is part of my challenge to write, record and produce a short story every single week for a year. If you’re looking for quality, suspense and intrigue, I’m not making any promises. But if you do like one of these stories please share it with your friends.
If I complete this challenge and the podcast gets 1,000 subscribers in the process, a group of my friends have agreed to donate a combined £1000 to Alzheimer’s Research UK.
And if you’re a writer, maybe this will inspire you to take on a similar challenge yourself. In which case, let me know about it via email. doewilmann @ outlook.com
For writing tips and advice, follow me on TikTok (@piecesofdoe)
I also have an Instagram (@meaninglessproblems) and Twitter (@piecesofdoe) account but I can’t promise I’ll use them.
Piecesofdoe.com or Meaninglessproblems.com
Thanks for listening
Thanks to Katie Empett and Ross Hindle for reading early versions of this episode and providing notes.
Artwork by Katie Empett
Music by Claude Debussy with permission from Pond5.
A license to use the media ((Debussy Suite Bergamasque, Clair De Lune (Piano Cover) 229744340 Music ahawke99110 2023-03-02 Individual) was purchased under Pond5's Content License Agreement, a copy of which is available for review at https://www.pond5.com/legal/license. The Pond5 license authorizes the licensee to use the media in the licensee's own commercial or non-commercial production and to copy, broadcast, distribute, display, perform and monetize the production or work in any medium - including posting and monetization on YouTube - on the terms and conditions outlined therein.
Meaningless Problems with Doe Wilmann
(C) 2023
Sunday Apr 02, 2023
#5 Silly Old Trick (performed by Maison Sawyer)
Sunday Apr 02, 2023
Sunday Apr 02, 2023
Scared that his whole life might pass him by, Edward devises a trick to help him appreciate his youth.
Silly Old Trick - an original short story by Doe Wilmann, performed by Maison Sawyer
Psychological - Suspense - Drama
If you’d like to read the script of this episode go to meaninglessproblems.com and sign up to my monthly newsletter. You can also email me via the contact form. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the podcast.
You might enjoy this episode if you like:
Alan Bennett’s Talking Heads
Dramatic Monologues
Sum: Forty Tales from the Afterlives by David Eagleman
Fiction that makes you think
Psychological fiction
Contemplating the nature of the self
Anaglypta wallpaper
Shortbread biscuits
Things to consider when listening:
Does life really pass in the blink of an eye? Are memories a sufficient consolation for ageing? What’s the highest number of people you can share this podcast with?
This episode is part of my challenge to write, record and produce a short story every single week for a year. If you’re looking for quality, suspense and intrigue, I’m not making any promises. But if you do like one of these stories please share it with your friends.
If I complete this challenge and the podcast gets 1,000 subscribers in the process, a group of my friends have agreed to donate a combined £1000 to Alzheimer’s Research UK.
And if you’re a writer, maybe this will inspire you to take on a similar challenge yourself. In which case, let me know about it via email. doewilmann @ outlook.com
For writing tips and advice, follow me on TikTok (@piecesofdoe)
I also have an Instagram (@meaninglessproblems) and Twitter (@piecesofdoe) account but I can’t promise I’ll use them.
Piecesofdoe.com or Meaninglessproblems.com
Thanks for listening
Written by Doe Wilmann
Performed by Maison Sawyer
Recorded & Edited by Sebastian Brown
Thanks to Katie Empett and Ross Hindle for reading early versions of this episode and providing notes.
Artwork by Katie Empett
Music by Claude Debussy with permission from Pond5.
A license to use the media ((Debussy Suite Bergamasque, Clair De Lune (Piano Cover) 229744340 Music ahawke99110 2023-03-02 Individual) was purchased under Pond5's Content License Agreement, a copy of which is available for review at https://www.pond5.com/legal/license. The Pond5 license authorizes the licensee to use the media in the licensee's own commercial or non-commercial production and to copy, broadcast, distribute, display, perform and monetize the production or work in any medium - including posting and monetization on YouTube - on the terms and conditions outlined therein.
Meaningless Problems with Doe Wilmann
(C) 2023